Monthly Update – September 2020

Time flies so fast, and it is now the first day of October. Please see below for my Monthly Update – September 2020 edition.

Guest posts

I had two lovely individuals (John and Patrick) who each wrote a guest post for me on my site. Check them out here:

If you are also interested in writing a guest post for me, feel free to drop me an email at You can also reach me on TwitterPinterest, and Facebook.

Sponsored post

If you are interested in collaborating with me, feel free to send me an email at, or reach out to me on TwitterPinterest, or Facebook. To see a sample of options that I offer, head to “Work with Me!” page.


I wrote one article for Ladders on ways to handle different types of managers. Check it out!

Blog stats

Below are some basic blog stats. They are by no means impressive, but they motivate me to keep on making this blog better.

  • Pinterest followers: 190 (+30, vs. 160 in previous month)

To all my readers and followers, thank you so much for dropping by and for following my accounts. To all of those who have liked, commented and retweeted anything I have published, thank you very much for all your support. For all the brands that I have collaborated with, thank you very much.

My top 3 articles for the month

To dos for October

  • Continue improving my social media engagement.
  • Drive traffic by consistently delivering good quality content and promoting more often

Final words

I have done some good work in the month of September, but I feel like I slacked off a little bit in terms of social media. I need to work on growing my online presence, so my voice can be heard more. There is still a long way ahead, but with hard work and dedication, I will have something to show.

Thank you so much for all the people that have supported and inspired me. I am incredibly grateful.